Nail fungus, or as it is also called onychomycosis, is a very common disease transmitted by contact. It is caused by epidermophytes, which are in fact pathogenic microorganisms. Getting on the human skin, the fungus affects the upper layers of the epidermis on the feet and the nail plate. Besides the fact that this disease causes aesthetic discomfort, if left untreated for a long time, it can provoke the appearance of complications.
The main symptoms of the disease

Before deciding how to get rid of nail fungus, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct. There is a set of symptoms that are unique to this disease. It includes the following signs:
- change of the usual color of the nail plate to white, yellow, green, gray or even black;
- itching sensation between the toes, on the feet;
- fragility and detachment of nails;
- irritated skin on the legs, there may be peeling, blisters or sores;
- unusual thickening and unevenness of the nail plate.
In the early stages of the disease, nail fungus appears almost imperceptibly. After all, some people may not even pay attention to a slight itch and slight discoloration. But if you do not get rid of the nail fungus in time, this leads to the complete destruction of the plate. Therefore, it is very important to immediately contact a specialist when alarming symptoms appear. This will help to quickly eliminate the fungus and restore the nails to their former health.
Medical treatment of omnichomycosis

The use of drugs is an effective way to quickly get rid of nail fungus. Now there are a huge number of drugs in various forms of release. The most common of them are:
- medicinal varnishes - their use is effective only at the initial stage, when the fungus has not had time to spread to the growth line of the nail plate. These funds are quite simple to use and very effectively help to get rid of the disease in a short time;
- ointments and creams are the most common topical preparations. Using such tools, you can eliminate the fungus growing under the nails. Due to their texture, creams and ointments envelop the affected area, helping not only to block the progression of mycosis, but also to the regeneration of tissues;
- pills - unfortunately, the fungus not only affects the nails, but also negatively affects the state of the human immune system. Medications that need to be taken orally help to forget about the disease for a long time. But it should be understood that they can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Treatment of mushrooms with vinegar
Acetic acid will help get rid of nail fungus at home. This method is one of the most common in traditional medicine. Its meaning is that epidermophytes die under the influence of an acidic environment. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to dilute the vinegar in the correct proportion with water. In the fight against nail fungus at home, an acid solution of low concentration will suffice.
Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to clean and steam the skin of the legs. Dead and fungal areas of the nails should be removed with small scissors. This will allow deeper penetration of the acid. There are several ways to remove nail fungus with vinegar, including:
- baths - a 9% vinegar solution should be heated to a temperature of about 36-37 degrees. The affected fingers are immersed in a hot liquid for 15 minutes. Do not wipe your feet after the procedure and do not rinse them with water;
- compresses - you need to fold the bandage several times and moisten it with plenty of vinegar. Then such a compress is applied to the affected areas. To achieve a better effect, you can wrap your legs with a bandage, put on warm socks and leave them on overnight.
- ointments - vinegar can be an integral part of a remedy, for example, it can be mixed with vegetable oil and dimethyl phthalate in equal proportions. Apply this mixture before going to bed.
In addition to the fact that the lesions are treated with vinegar, special attention should also be paid to the patient's shoes. It should be regularly wiped with a slightly acidic solution.
Treatment of fungi with iodine
Iodine solution is excellent for nail fungus. It has an antiseptic effect, due to which it is often used to disinfect affected skin areas. Also, iodine exhibits cauterizing properties, which is important in preventing the spread of infection. It is sometimes used for preventive purposes.
To understand how to treat toenail fungus with iodine, you need to understand the mechanism of its effect on mycotic cells. In fact, the work of the solution is based on the coagulation (coagulation) of proteins. Based on the fact that fungal cells have a protein structure, iodine, penetrating into the affected areas, destroys them and prevents their spread. It is through this that complete healing occurs.
You can use iodine to fight nail fungus in several ways:
- Dotted - the agent is applied directly to the focus of infection. In this case, the probability of a quick recovery is quite high.
- Baths - iodine is added to clean, boiled water, after which the legs fly away for 10 minutes. This method can be used as a disease prevention. After all, preventing a problem is much easier than thinking about how to get rid of the fungus later.
Other folk treatments
Alternative medicine is very popular these days. Therefore, there are many recipes that will help smooth the course of the disease and ensure a speedy recovery. In the fight against fungal nail diseases, the following methods are most often used:
- tar soap - has an antimicrobial effect. For medicinal purposes, it is used by lathering the affected area. To increase efficiency, you can put on a warm sock and leave it overnight;
- Tea tree oil is a powerful natural antiseptic. This method is best used in combination with others to speed up recovery. The oil can be used for baths, compresses or lotions;
- garlic is a very simple, yet very effective remedy. After a week of regular procedures, the result will be noticeable. To lesions should be applied garlic porridge or a compress with its juice;
- celandine - usually prepare baths from herbal infusions. The procedure should be repeated every other day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
- kombucha - it is used as a lotion. On a sore finger you need to put a small piece of peroxide fungus and fix it tightly with a film. This remedy has a softening effect. After the procedure, you can easily cut the affected nail.
- use of smoke - the sore finger is fumigated with cotton fabric smoke. As a result of the procedure, nails affected by fungus fall out, and healthy nails grow in their place after some time.
- propolis - used as an infusion for a compress. To prepare it, mix alcohol and grated propolis. After the mixture is infused, it is applied to clean gauze and wrapped around the sore finger.
Nail fungus very often appears for no apparent reason. It brings significant inconvenience to a person's life. Therefore, you should not postpone its treatment for a long time. To find out how to get rid of nail fungus, you should consult a dermatologist. This will help you choose those funds that will have a quick and positive effect.