Maria Matei Author of articles

Maria Matei
Published by:
4 Articles

Author's articles

  • The most effective folk remedies for nail fungus on hands and feet. The use of baths and medicinal compresses. Make ointments and homemade recipes.
    2 February 2024
  • What is a foot fungus and what does it look like? Types and symptoms of skin fungus on the legs. List of the most effective medicinal and folk remedies for the treatment of fungus, the prevention of infections.
    30 October 2022
  • This article is about nail fungus drops, types, action and rules of use.
    8 October 2022
  • Examination and timely treatment prescribed by the doctor is an important factor in getting rid of skin mycosis. Getting rid of the fungus is quite difficult. You will need a whole range of drugs for external and systemic action. First you need to determine the type of pathogen.
    15 March 2022